Is British gas and oil really 4x as good for the environment as imported fuel?

The British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, recently declared that he's going to enable a huge expansion of North Sea gas and oil extraction. There is a lot to criticise about this plan to say the least. But here I will endeavor to restrict myself to digging into one of his more surprising claims about this … Continue reading Is British gas and oil really 4x as good for the environment as imported fuel?

Most rainforest carbon offsets may not actually offset any carbon

A common instantiation of the carbon credits concept is to allow companies and individuals to mitigate the impact of the environmental damage they cause due to emitting greenhouse gases by paying for a "credit". In this case the credit is sold on behalf of a project which has somehow reduced carbon usage elsewhere. The idea … Continue reading Most rainforest carbon offsets may not actually offset any carbon