Code-efficient alternatives to CASE WHEN statements in SQL

The CASE statement in SQL is the archetypal conditional statement, corresponding to the "if <A> then <B> else <C>" construct in other languages. Here's a quick refresher on what it looks like. Imagine we have a data table consisting of people, their ages and the number of years they've lived at their current and previous … Continue reading Code-efficient alternatives to CASE WHEN statements in SQL

Should an AI’s opinion of your personality affect whether you get a job?

Source: Retorio At first glance, that question may feel like a perfect example of Betteridge's law of headlines, the adage which states that if a headline ends in a question mark then one can usually assume the answer is no. That might well be the case here, but it doesn't seem like it's stopping some … Continue reading Should an AI’s opinion of your personality affect whether you get a job?

Official UK Covid-19 vaccination progress data

Now that the Covid-19 vaccination program is under way, data fans might be interested in obtaining the stats of how the UK is doing in terms of vaccinations administered so far. The NHS is publishing a variety of these reports and, even better, the underlying data here. The most comprehensive data there is likely the … Continue reading Official UK Covid-19 vaccination progress data

Solving the the case of the 6cm man with assertive programming

Liam Thorp, political editor of the Liverpool Echo, was recently surprised to receive an invite to receive a Covid-19 vaccine. Whilst the UK does seem to be numerically ahead in absolute terms of many (but not all) other countries when it comes to at putting first-doses into people, we're still at the stage where only … Continue reading Solving the the case of the 6cm man with assertive programming