Average age at menarche by country

A question came up recently about variations in the age at menarche - the first occurrence of menstruation for a female human -  with regards to the environment. A comparison by country seemed like a reasonable first step in noting whether there were in fact any significant, potentially environmental, differences in this age. A quick … Continue reading Average age at menarche by country

Analysing your 23andme genetic data in R part 2: exploring the traits associated with your genome

In part one of this mini-series, you heroically obtained and imported your 23andme raw genome data into R. Fun as that was, let's see if we can learn something interesting from it.  After all, 23andme does automatically provide several genomic analysis reports, but - for many sensible reasons - it is certainly limited in what … Continue reading Analysing your 23andme genetic data in R part 2: exploring the traits associated with your genome