Actually you can use variables, CTEs and other fancy SQL with Tableau after all

A few months ago, I blogged about how you can use Tableau parameters when connecting to many database datasources in order to exert the same sort of flexibility that SQL coders can build into their queries using SQL variables. This was necessary because Tableau does not let you use SQL variables, common table expressions, temp table creation … Continue reading Actually you can use variables, CTEs and other fancy SQL with Tableau after all

Workaround for the Tableau “custom SQL” restriction on SQL Server variables

SQL Server (among other databases) has a handy feature for easy re-use of queries, in the guise of variables. You can declare variables and use them repeatedly in any query in the current session. That's pretty handy for any complicated query forms you use repeatedly, where each time you might need to change some basic criteria. As … Continue reading Workaround for the Tableau “custom SQL” restriction on SQL Server variables

Quick tip: find location of column in a SQL database

Now we all have nice access to large sprawling relational databases, the next problem is locating in which table you need to look to find the data you're after. For instance, which of the 100 tables available contain my sales? Of course the proper way would to consult the comprehensive, accurate, well-governed and accessible data dictionary to … Continue reading Quick tip: find location of column in a SQL database