Analysing your 23andme genetic data in R part 2: exploring the traits associated with your genome

In part one of this mini-series, you heroically obtained and imported your 23andme raw genome data into R. Fun as that was, let's see if we can learn something interesting from it.  After all, 23andme does automatically provide several genomic analysis reports, but - for many sensible reasons - it is certainly limited in what … Continue reading Analysing your 23andme genetic data in R part 2: exploring the traits associated with your genome

Analysing your 23andme genetic data in R part 1: importing your genome into R

23andme is one of the ever-increasing number of direct to consumer DNA testing companies. You send in a vial of your spit; and they analyse parts of your genome, returning you a bunch of reports on ancestry, traits and - if you wish - health. Their business is highly regulated, as of course it should … Continue reading Analysing your 23andme genetic data in R part 1: importing your genome into R